How to Decide on the Best Landscaping Design Companies in Rochester Hills, MI, and What to Look For


Your landscape is your home’s introduction to the world. If you decide that it’s time for a complete remodel of your property or need a change in the management of maintenance, choosing the right company is a critical step toward improving the first impression your home gives to others. Knowing how to decide on the best landscaping companies in Rochester Hills, MI, comes down to knowing what to look for when it comes to reputation, credentials, and expertise.

Phone a Friend and Browse Online

When looking for a new landscaping company, your most helpful tool could be your smartphone. If you have a friend with an enviable landscape, give a call and request a referral. Or you could browse the websites of local landscaping companies. They generally post examples of past work and list the types of landscaping work they perform. This information will greatly help as you narrow your search to a few companies for closer consideration.

Preparation and Experience

Watch out for companies with little experience. The right company will have a lengthy history and a solid reputation for quality workmanship. It’s not your job to serve as the starter landscape for a growing businesses. For an impressive landscape, you want an established company.

Licenses, Bonds, and Insurance Coverage

Remember to verify that the landscaping company you choose is properly licensed, bonded, and adequately insured. The only sure thing about mishaps is that they do occur, unfortunately, so make sure that if something does happen, you will not be on the hook for someone else’s mistake.

Professional Certifications

Whether you plan to have a new patio or driveway installed or you want to add trees to your landscape or have other changes made to your property, ensure that the company chosen is certified to carry out the work involved. Certifications can usually be easily confirmed if the company prominently displays them on its website.

Sustainability as a Priority

If making sure that your property is as sustainably maintained as possible is critical, then you’ll want to inquire about the landscape company’s practices. The right company will be accommodating of your requests and may bring up ideas you may have not considered (such as permeable pavers for your new patio). You’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you’ve limited your carbon footprint as well as the bragging rights within your community.

Request a Prospective Bid and Trust Your Gut

Once you’ve established which of the potential landscaping companies on your list meets your criteria, request that those companies submit a proposal for your landscaping project. Companies will generally come out to view your property and come up with a plan to give you an idea of the expected schedule and cost. At this point, you may want to trust your gut and choose the company with whom you feel most compatible and whose design vision most closely matches your own. You should also consider how open the company’s representatives are to questions about the design, the process, and the specifics. The right company recognizes the project is ultimately yours and will want to create a landscape that’ll be enjoyable for you for many years.


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